Thursday, December 23, 2010


Expanding your cinema horizons

So basically I wanted to do something else with the blog on a regular basis than just TV recaps, and I really like Dave's idea about doing movie reviews about older or less-well known films that I think people will really enjoy. In reality, I'm sure people will have heard of many of the films I do, and many are classic films that I enjoy and think added a lot to the legacy of cinema. I intend to do films of all types of genres, languages, and directors, but also am open to suggestions on classic or contemporary films that you think I should see and write on. Since I will be busy with school, TV recaps, and other life-related jazz I am aiming to do just two of these posts a week starting after Christmas. Here's a list of the first ten films I'm going to write about so you can get an idea of the types of movies I plan to do and when I aim to do them. For some reason I think Tuesday and Thursday will be a good time to post them so expect one every Tuesday and Thursday.

12/28- Modern Times
12/30- La Haine
1/4- Rififi
1/6- Fast, Cheap & Out on Control
1/11- McCabe and Mrs. Miller
1/13- Adaptation
1/18- Shadow of a Doubt
1/20- Singin' in the Rain
1/25- Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans
1/27- Touch of Evil

That will take us to the end of January so get excited people.

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